Tuesday 4 February 2014

Master of the Butter Men

In Taksim, the chaotic "heart" of Istanbul, there is a salad bar with a secret. One of the guys who works there makes weird, "outsider art" sculptures out of butter and places them on the storefront display, replacing them every few days. I have been photographing this "master of the butter men" since 2011, here are a few of his works.

A weird "lion," 2011.

A cobra snake, 2012.

Man with a mustache, 2012.

A self portrait made of butter, 2012.

A strange reptilian face, 2013. The guy called this figure a "djinn."

Dopey face, 2013.

A bull, 2012.

Face with tongue, 2011.

A cat or a mouse, 2012.

This artist has become something of a celebrity in Turkish cyberspace, and weird butter sculptures have cropped up in numerous salad bars and fast-food stands since I wrote this post. Besides the pictures I shot, many people have since shared photographs of other weird butter sculptures.
Here is an extended selection:

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