In Aptil 2018 I took upon the self-inflicted duty of photographing every type of flower I saw while on holiday in the Olympos-Çıralı district of Turkey's Antalya province.
This time around, I only wish to share with you my collection of flower photos from this beautiful and fateful place. Wild, domesticated and ornamental plants are all represented here. Simply put, if I saw a plant with flowers, I took its picture. Below are the results of this three-day bout of photographic flower-collecting.
I am not botanically educated, and I wish to offer my gratitude to the members of the
IFL Botany group on Facebook, most notably to
Mr. Michael Vincent, for the identification of these flowers. Enjoy!
Rosaceae sp., perhaps Photinia.
Oxalis sp.
Oxalis sp.
Oxalis sp.
Tradescantia sp.
Rosaceae sp.
Malvaceae sp.
Boraginaceae sp.
Apiaceae sp.
Nyctaginaceae sp.
Lamiaceae sp.
Datura metel or similar species.
Malvaceae sp.
Day lily, Hemrocallis fulva.
Begonia sp.
Bougainvillea sp.
Ipomoea sp.
Hibiscus sp.
Anagallis arvensis.
Anagallis arvensis.
Oxalis sp.
Oenothera sp.
Asteraceae sp.?
Lantana sp.
Hypericum sp.
Sedum sp.
Proteaceae sp.
Aizoaceae sp.
Asteraceae sp.
Rosa sp.
Apocynaceae sp.
Lonicera sp.
Plumeria sp.
Apiaceae sp.
Lamiaceae sp.
Caryophyllaceae sp.
Pelargonium sp.
Verbenaceae sp.
Gazania sp.
Papaver rhoeas
Tecomaria capensis ?, Bignoniaceae.
Opuntia sp.
Melia azedarach.
Plumeria sp.
Apocynaceae sp.
Kalanchoe sp.
Papaver rhoeas.
Asteraceae sp.
Oenothera sp.
Bauhinia sp.
Punica granatum.
Malvaceae sp.
Pelargonium sp.
Fabaceae sp.
Asteraceae sp.
"Fumariaceae" sp.
Asteraceae sp.
Myrtaceae, perhaps Callistemon sp.
Onagraceae sp.
Petunia hybrid, Solanaceae.
Acanthaceae sp.
Asteraceae sp.
Amaryllis, in the genus Hippeastrum.
Asteraceae sp.
Vinca sp., Apocynaceae.
Verbena sp.
Phlomis sp., Lamiaceae.
Euphorbia sp.
Asteraceae sp.
Canna sp.
Rubiaceae sp.
Ranunculus sp.
Convolulaceae sp.
Ornithogalum sp.